Logos are essential elements to any business. My favorite thing to do is to create logos that: appeal to a specific target audience, represent the identity of brand, succinctly show what type of company they are and what the company does, and evoke the feelings that are or should be associated with that specific brand and business.
You dream it, I can design it; if you can't dream it, then I can help dream it for you.
The benefit to going to a graphic designer for your invitation needs is the fact that you get complete customization. Create your own invitations from scratch, combine ideas you've seen to put together an invitation that is uniquely yours. The possibilities are endless.
Sometimes your card is the only thing you have to encourage a potential customer to utilize your services. A crisp, clean look will often help a company close the sale. They may look easy to design but sometimes the smallest spaces to design are sometimes the trickiest!
Peoples still respond to paper pamphlets and advertising they can touch. Designing a series of templates to convey specific messages or services that a company can provide, creates a professional, appealing, easy to read feel for your customers.
This is where I do most of my work. With more and more people shopping from their smart phones or ipads, methods of advertising had to change. Companies started using programs like constant contact and mail chimp to send out email blasts to their customers. As this idea caught on and inboxes started to fill up, companies needed designers to come up with visually attractive designs that would encourage their clientele to click instead of trash.
Clients often need assistance not only getting their websites set up for the first time, but figuring out what the organization and content should be and finding appropriate images and graphics to illustrate their brand. I have used various platforms to create sites over the years from: self coding in Dreamweaver to Wordpress, Square Space, Wix, Go Daddy, and Shopify.
Social Media services can include something as small as just resizing graphics to fit the different media layouts, to setting up and designing all new accounts and teaching the client how to use them. It is important to have a coordinated look on all your different social media sites so that your brand is recognizable and looks professional.

Web Graphics
When advertising your business on other websites, you want to make sure your ad is sized and laid out properly to avoid distortion and fully optimized so that it looks crisp and clear yet loads quickly and efficiently.
It is always fun to see my artwork on clothing!
Don't diminish the power of a large attractive banner to lure customers to your brand.